[Ni all / Nid eill] moroedd mawrion llydain

(Mor i guddio pechod)
Nid eill moroedd mawrion, llydain,
  Guddio pechod o un rhyw;
Nis gallodd dylif cadarn
  Boddi hwn - mae 'nawr yn fyw:
Gwaed yr Oen fu ar Galfaria,
  Haeddiant Iesu a'i farwol glwy,
Ydyw'r môr lle caiff ei guddio,
  Byth ni welir mo'no mwy.

Dyma'r gwaed a roes foddlonol
  Byth ddigonol berffaith Iawn;
Ac ar gyfrif hwn y derbyn
  Euog ddyn faddeuant llawn;
Dyma sail i lwch a lludw
  I obeithio am lanhâd,
A nesau mewn hyder duwiol
  At orseddfa nefol rad.

Pan fo Sina i gyd yn mygu,
  Sain yr udgorn uchaf radd,
Câf fyn'd i wledda dros y terfyn,
  Yn ngrym yr Aberth,
      heb fy lladd:
Mae ynddo'n trigo bob cyflawnder,
  Llon'd gwagle colledigaeth dyn;
Yn yr adwy rhwng y ddwyblaid
  Gwnaeth heddwch trwy offrymu'i Hun.

              - - - - -

Nid eill moroedd mawrion llydain,
  Guddio pechod o un rhyw;
Ac nis gallodd dylif cadarn
  E foddi'n wir, mae'n awr yn fyw:
Gwaed yr Oen fu ar Galfaria,
  Haeddiant Iesu a'i farwol glwy,
Ydyw'r môr lle caiff ei guddio,
  Byth ni welir mo'no mwy.

Ef yw'r Iawn fu
    rhwng y lladron,
  Ddyoddefodd angeu loes;
Nerthodd freichiau ei ddienyddwyr
  I'w hoelio'n greulawn ar y groes:
Ac wrth dalu yno'n dyled,
  Anrhydeddu deddf ei Dad,
Hardd ddysgleirio'r oedd cyfiawnder,
  Ninnau'n rydd trwy'r
      cymmod rhad.
Ann Griffiths 1776-1805

[Mesur: 8787D]

Bydd melus gofio y cyfammod
Capten mawr ein hiechydwriaeth
Draw ar gopa bryn Golgotha
  Efe yw'r Iawn fu rhwng y lladron
Pechadur aflan yw fy enw
Rhyfedd rhyfedd gan angylion

(A sea to hide sin)
Great, wide seas cannot
  Cover sin of any kind;
A firm torrent could not
  Drown it - it is now alive:
The blood of the Lamb who was on Calvary,
  The merit of Jesus and his mortal wound,
Is the sea where it may be hidden,
  Forever, never to be seen any more.

Here is the blood he gave voluntarily
  Forever a sufficient, perfect Ransom;
And on account of this shall guilty
  Man receive full forgiveness;
Here is the basis for dust and ashes
  To hope for cleansing,
And draw near in godly confidence
  To the gracious, heavenly throne.

When all Sinai is smoking,
  Sounds the trumpet of high degree,
I may go to feast over the border,
  In the force of the Sacrifice,
      without getting killed:
In him is dwelling every fullness,
  That fills the emptiness of man's loss;
In the gap between the two parties
  He made peace through offering Himself.

                 - - - - -

Not all the great wide seas can
  Hide sin of any kind;
And no firm torrent could
  Truly drown it, it is now alive:
The blood of the Lamb who was on Calvary,
  The merit of Jesus and his mortal wound,
Is the sea where it may be hidden,
  Never to be seen anymore.

He is the Atonement who was
    between the thieves,
  Who suffered the throes of death;
He strengthened the arms of his executors
  To nail him cruelly on the cross:
And while paying there our debt,
  He honoured the law of his Father,
Beautifully shining was righteousness,
  And we are free through the
      gracious reconciliation.
tr. 2017,22 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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